
Mobile App

Invoice OnDgo App

Collaborated with the agile team in development of the backend application. The application enables businesses to generate invoices for their clients Some of the endpoints I built are sign up,forgot password,verify otp for security purpose, create businesses,create items, create invoices etc

Built with:
C#,.Net, MSSMS(database), Microsoft Entity framework core,Github,Swaggar and Postman.

Web developmet

MASFlightBookingDemo App

Built progressive API for booking local flights. Enables clients to book flight ,update flight details,cancel flight,get all flights available . It also has views consuming the APIs showing its interaction in the UI .

Built with:
C#,MVC ,Bootstrap, MSSMS(database), Microsoft Entity framework core,swaggar and postman.

Web developmet

Realtor Clone

A realtor website clone inspired by Dr.Sahand Ghavidel on Udemy.

Built with:
React.Js,Tailwind CSS, Firebase and Vercel .

Web developmet

MovieApp Demo

It returns TMDB API response base on popularity. This is a movie web app demo ,it deplays movie name ,poster,overview and ratings. when a movie name is searched for ,it calls the API and displays it if found .

Built with:
HTML,CSS,Javascript, TMDB API and Netlify

Product Design

FlightBooking service page

A mobile app raw file showing user profile and service page

Built with:
Inspired by: